Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Pirates Call Me Hostage Three...

The last thing Amy planned to do this summer was sail around the world trapped on a yacht with her father and her stepmother. Really, all she wanted was to fast-forward to October when she’ll turn eighteen and take control of her own life.

The Somali pirates who seize a British yacht dehumanize their victims by giving them numbers. Thus, millionaire banker James Fields and his new wife become Hostages One and Two. Hostage Three is his 17-year-old daughter, Amy, who narrates this perceptive and harrowing novel.

Amy initially greets her father's plan to sail around the world with apathy, but having a gun put to her head awakens her will to live, especially when the gunman is Farouz, the pirates' interpreter, with whom Amy has secretly developed a romance. Through Farouz, Amy learns about the Somalis' daily struggle to survive the desert and decades of war.


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